
High End 2019 

First day thoughts.

Well, this is definitely a trade show rather than an audio show. I’m sure for Euro business, for dealers, manufacturers and distributors, it could be a marvellous opportunity, but as an audio show like RMAF, Axpona, etc, where hobbyists are the focus, it’s more like a German CES on steroids.
And missing lots of what Germans call Gemütlichkeit. 

There are some fabulous rooms of equipment, but there’s no charm to it. If you have ever been to Pacific Mall in Toronto, it’s exactly like that. Great for ‘overnight parts from Japan’, counterfeit phones and purses, but...

Jan says it’s sterile. 

There are lots of little things used that embrace German efficiency, and it’s wonderful (shuttle, number 1). And we heard some pretty fabulous kit—Avantgarde room and Thales, chief among them. Very nice people, too, as hosts. 

Tomorrow’s another day.


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